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Our 10 contributions to 1001 tips from global exporters and global trade advisors

CEO of Go Exporting, Mike Wilson, has contributed 10 top tips to a global publication of 1001 business tips from 101 exporters and global trade advisors.

The publication, arranged by The Belmont Business Enterprise Centre Inc in Australia, will form part of an e-book to support sole traders and SMEs in expanding their exporting skills and knowledge, and how best to prepare for a national export development grant program.

The 10 contributions from Mike Wilson were:

  1. Define your objectives
  2. Prepare your export readiness action plan
  3. Discovering where to export
  4. Finding focus
  5. Choosing routes to market
  6. Assessing pricing and market entry viability
  7. Creating a bespoke international marketing plan
  8. Defining how to implement that plan
  9. Compiling a detailed export plan
  10. Reviewing and refining your approach

Read the 10 tips in full with added detail here.

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LeadsTrack delivers for INEA

A major aspect of international expansion is researching prospects and arranging introductions with prospective clients in your target territories. And that’s what Go Exporting has been doing for Slovenian-based automation, intelligence and energy specialists, INEA.

INEA delivers industrial automation, manufacturing intelligence, and industrial energy management solutions worldwide. It is one of the largest system integrators and industrial solution providers in Europe, specialising in display assembly and visual inspection.

And to help their expansion plans across Europe, they engaged Go Exporting to help find prospects of the right calibre to drive that growth.

Chief operating offer at INEA, Saša Muhič Pureber, said: “We are looking to expand our international reach and engaged with Go Exporting to support this project via their LeadsTrack service. From the beginning, they showed a high level of professionalism and commitment by taking the time to understand our advanced technology, its benefits for our customers, and the niche markets we work in.

“Go Exporting created an ideal customer profile for our products and then carried out extensive research to find companies matching that profile on a global scale. These companies were approached by the Go Exporting team using various methods with a view to arranging meetings for our team to introduce our technology.

“We have been extremely pleased with the results. Go Exporting’s activities have introduced INEA to a number of new potential customers and our team has been impressed with the quality of the leads provided.

“We highly recommend the services of Go Exporting for any company intending to expand into new international markets and looking for introductions to new customers.

“We found LeadsTrack from Go Exporting to be a cost-effective and efficient method of finding new customers in our target markets.”

Mike Wilson, CEO of Go Exporting, noted: “It is a pleasure working with INEA, introducing their advanced manufacturing and inspection systems to new markets. We have secured introductions and RFQs for significant projects from key OEMs and Tier One manufacturers for their technical teams to progress.

“We continue to work with INEA and thank them for selecting our LeadsTrack service to support their international expansion.”

International lead generation with LeadsTrack

Are you looking to find new customers in your target markets with the support of proven experts in international expansion? Then LeadsTrack will work for you, too.

We have developed LeadsTrack to provide businesses with a cost-effective solution to generate high-quality enquiries. Our team of researchers and local consultants are skilled in identifying the right contacts and turning them into genuine opportunities for your organisation.

Your international lead generation, taken care of.

Learn more about LeadsTrack here.

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WEBINAR: Export Opportunities in Denmark and Sweden

Interested in expanding your business into new Scandinavian markets? Then you’re in luck!

Earlier this month, Go Exporting CEO Mike Wilson joined Business Wales for a webinar advising delegates as to the export opportunities in Denmark and Sweden.

The webinar included details on market statistics, administrative structure, key sectors and opportunities, business culture and post-Brexit dynamics.

Watch the webinar in full below.

Looking to expand internationally but aren’t sure where to start, or lack the internal resources to drive international growth? Go Exporting specialises in helping firms like yours to open a world of opportunities.

Learn more about our international trade consultancy services here.

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Next government needs to improve trading ties with EU, says British Chambers of Commerce

The next government needs to deliver a better trading relationship with the EU as a matter of priority. 

That’s the view of the British Chambers of Commerce, one of the most influential business networks, set out as part of its Future of the Economy Manifesto for 2024

The manifesto focuses on five key areas of the UK economy, from green innovation and digital, to people, work, and global Britain. 

The manifesto notes that: “There is a clear need to improve trading relationships with the EU, which remains our biggest trading partner.

“Retaining Britain’s place on the global stage also means keeping our most successful businesses who may be looking overseas for finance. British growth capital should be made more accessible.

“Finally, the government should only diverge from EU rules where it adds value to UK plc. We encourage close alignment on regulations that impact Britain’s global trade, such as standards on manufactured goods, while supporting divergence where there is a clear benefit, such as the Mansion House reforms that will help unlock additional investment for UK firms.”

The manifesto put forward three key recommendations for growing global trade;

  1. Implement trade deals which improve export potential for business
  2. Grow foreign direct investment into the UK
  3. Continue reforms to increase UK investment

A Swiss solution?

William Bain, BCC Head of Trade Policy, said that the UK should be looking towards a Swiss-style deal with the EU after a recent trip to the country. 

He said that: “Switzerland is one of the UK’s strongest trading partners with a depth to its finance and services trade that mirrors our own. It is also at the heart of Europe’s life sciences and pharmaceutical industries.  

“As a member of the European Free Trade Area, while sitting outside the European Economic Area, it can set its own course on many regulatory issues. 

“But it retains close links with the EU Single Market, particularly in goods. These have been developed through bilateral agreements with Brussels over the past half a century, though Switzerland is also a full participant in the Schengen Zone, allowing friction-free movement through Swiss territory for qualifying citizens.”

Grow through the growing pains with Go Exporting

If Brexit has hampered international trade growth, or put the brakes on your export plans altogether, then we can help. 

Go Exporting are the industry experts in helping firms to open a world of opportunities abroad, from identifying potentially profitable markets, to putting in place the export strategy and distributors to get you there. 

Interested? Learn more about our international trade consultancy here

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Free Webinar: Effective Market Entry Strategies for New Exporters

Are you new to exporting and looking to get your products into new overseas markets? Then this webinar is for you.

Join Go Exporting CEO, Mike Wilson, as he partners with Alibaba USA’s Head of Sales & Digital Marketing, Eric Cross, for a live webinar uncovering effective market entry strategies for companies just like yours.

At 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm GMT on 27th June, this webinar will offer critical insight and strategies for firms looking to enter and – critically – thrive in new markets.

Don’t miss out! Register for free right here.

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Exporters must adopt the Customs Declaration Service before 4th June

UK exporters are being urged to transition to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) before the 4th of June deadline to ensure the continued smooth processing of their export declarations. With less than a month remaining, HMRC has intensified calls for businesses to make the switch from the current Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system to the new CDS.

Why the change?

The transition to the CDS is part of the government’s ongoing efforts to modernise and streamline customs processes. The new system promises enhanced capabilities, including improved data integration and greater flexibility in managing customs procedures. The CHIEF system, which has been in operation for decades, will be completely phased out, marking a significant shift in how export declarations are handled.

Sarah Hartley, HMRC’s Director of Border Change Delivery, said: ”There are just weeks left for businesses to migrate their export declarations to CDS – those who have yet to move need to do so now.

“Anyone who needs help migrating to CDS should work with a customs agent who is ready to use the system and can make declarations on their behalf.”

Support and resources available

To assist businesses in this transition, HMRC has provided a variety of resources, including a CDS toolkit and checklists. Exporters are encouraged to utilise these tools to ensure they are fully prepared for the switch. 

Businesses that fail to adopt the CDS by the deadline may face significant disruptions to their export operations.

Steps to transition

Exporters should start by familiarising themselves with the CDS and its requirements. Key steps include:

  1. Registering for the CDS: Businesses need to sign up for the service through the Government Gateway.
  2. Understanding the new data requirements: The CDS requires more detailed information than CHIEF, so exporters should review the new data fields and ensure they have the necessary information ready.
  3. Updating software: If businesses use customs declaration software, they must ensure it is compatible with the CDS. HMRC provides a list of approved software providers.
  4. Training staff: Employees who handle customs declarations will need to be trained on the new system to ensure a smooth transition.

Exporters keen to understand the main differences between the two systems can do so with this gov article.

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New Brexit border checks to cost businesses billions

New post-Brexit border checks are expected to add billions of increased costs for UK firms doing business with the EU.

The new checks apply to medium-risk goods such as meat, dairy and plants. One flower company owner told the BBC that the extra costs related to checks on his imports from Europe will cost an extra £225,000 a year – costs that he will have to pass on to customers.

The checks kicked in from midnight and are designed to help secure the UK’s borders from biohazards and threats such as disease and pests. When inside the EU, these checks were already being conducted on the continent and meat, dairy and agricultural goods could pass into the UK unchecked.

Health certificates were already introduced in January this year for plants and food, though now physical checks must be carried out. Low-risk items such as canned goods can pass through unchecked though.

UK importers are also facing charges for consignments that arrive into the UK even if they’re not stopped for inspection.

The government has suggested that the increased beurocracy will cost businesses around £330, a year and add 0.2% to food inflation – figures which some specialists believe are optimistic.

The Cold Chain Federation told Sky News: “We think there’s going to be a billion pound’s worth of extra cost put onto food coming through Dover port alone, if you expand that to the rest of the country you’re looking at all sorts of money, so it won’t be 0.2%, it will be substantially more than that and the consumer will see that increase.

“Restaurants, delicatessens, fish and chip shops could well be affected by what’s currently happening today and the consumer, in the very near future will start to see some of those food products going up in price.”

Read more: Brexit has made the UK harder to invest in, and less productive too

A cabinet office minister said that: “It is essential that we introduce these global, risk-based checks to improve the UK’s biosecurity. We cannot continue with temporary measures which leave the UK open to threats from diseases and could do considerable damage to our livelihoods, our economy and our farming industry.”

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AECCI and Go Exporting announce partnership 

Go Exporting is delighted to announce its partnership with the Asian Exporters Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AECCI). 

The partnership aims to offer proactive, cooperative, and mutually advantageous support and a joint effort to tackle trade challenges specific to Asian businesses. 

AECCI is a governmentally recognised institution which promotes, represents and safeguards the interests of the Asian business community. It provides support to industry and aims to promote private sector initiatives. 

The partnership with Go Exporting marks an important step towards enhancing support and services for chamber members across the region. 

AECCI noted that: “Our cooperation efforts will encompass various significant domains, including trade consultation, resolving trade disputes, sharing trade law-related information, and facilitating arbitration resolution between involved parties. 

“Additionally, we will execute joint initiatives such as webinars, workshops, trade fairs, delegation exchanges, and business meetings to promote the interests of our members in both countries.

“We are confident that this collaboration will notably bolster the support and services accessible to our members and clients, thereby reinforcing trade relations between India and the UK.”

Learn more about how Go Exporting opens a world of opportunities for business here.

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Brexit has made the UK harder to invest in, and less productive too

The economic landscape of the UK has shifted massively since both Brexit and the pandemic. A nation that once used to build and manufacture its GDP now relies heavily on a financial services heart as trade with our closest major market becomes increasingly difficult post-EU departure. 

And this has led to difficulties around productivity, and a slowdown in inwards investment too. 

The productivity puzzle

The introduction of customs checks and the need for additional paperwork have slowed down the process of international trade, impacting industries that rely on just-in-time supply chains in particular. Furthermore, the uncertainty surrounding the UK’s future relationship with the EU has made it difficult for businesses to plan for the long term, stifling investment in productivity-enhancing measures.

Brexit has also had a tangible impact on the workforce too. The end of free movement has led to labour shortages in key sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, and hospitality. These shortages not only hinder operational capacity but also place upward pressure on wages, further squeezing businesses’ ability to invest in productivity-enhancing technologies and training.

Investment challenges

The sentiment around investing in the UK has notably shifted post-Brexit, as highlighted by Jeffrey Sprecher, the founder and chief executive of Intercontinental Exchange. Once a proponent of the UK’s decision to leave the EU, Sprecher has observed a decrease in the UK’s value as a trading centre since its exit from the single market. The ambiguity surrounding post-Brexit regulations has made it increasingly difficult for international companies to commit to investments in the UK.

Sprecher’s comments reflect a broader trend among international investors, who now view the UK with caution due to the compounded uncertainties of Brexit. The perception of the UK as a gateway to Europe has diminished, making investments in the US and other regions appear more straightforward and less risky.

Moreover, the UK’s historical reputation as a global trading centre has been complicated by Brexit. The shift in regulatory frameworks and the potential for divergence from EU standards pose additional hurdles for businesses looking to operate across borders. 

This complexity not only deters investment but also challenges the UK’s ability to maintain its position on the international stage.

A post-Brexit reality 

Brexit has undeniably transformed the UK’s economic landscape, making it a more challenging environment for productivity and investment. The combined effects of trade disruptions, labour shortages, and regulatory uncertainties have contributed to a decline in the UK’s economic performance. 

As the UK continues to navigate its post-Brexit reality, the need for clarity and stability becomes ever more critical to regain the confidence of investors and businesses alike. The path forward will require a balanced approach, one that addresses the immediate challenges while setting the foundations for long-term growth and productivity.

And there are, of course, opportunities to be grabbed too – especially in emerging international markets, for businesses who are brave enough to shift their focus away from the EU and to the global marketplace instead. 

For more help on doing just that, click here.

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Go Exporting Wins ‘Export Consultant of the Year’ Award

We are proud to report that we recently won another prestigious business award, being voted ‘Export Consultant of the Year’ in the Corporate Live Wire Innovation & Excellence Global Awards.

Global Awards receive 31000 nominations across various categories and are awarded by voters in 36 countries. They celebrate the success and achievements of leading professionals and companies who stand out as leaders in their market sector, being service-focused and who take an innovative approach to demonstrate exceptional business performance. 

Mike Wilson, CEO of Go Exporting comments:

“It is a great pleasure to be recognised for the hard work the team put into successfully supporting our client’s international expansion plans. We are proud to have won a second award in as many years and will continue to strive to provide excellent service, whilst always looking to improve.”

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Go Exporting specialises in helping businesses to expand into international markets profitably. We offer a range of flexible services to meet your specific requirements many of which you can see on our website. This is not exhaustive, however, and we will be pleased to match your requirements to ensure your success in international markets.

We offer everything from export readiness assessments, customs and compliance, market analysis and reports, and mentoring, to devising and implementing a go-to-market strategy. For example, we have worked with many clients to build their global distribution and wholesale networks.

Just a small selection of the projects recently completed by Go Exporting:

  • Finding distributors for veterinary products in Italy and Germany
  • Finding distributor and collaboration partners in air quality monitoring in India
  • Establishing a UK and European Sales presence for an industrial fastener manufacturer
  • Advising a packaging company on the best operating model for EU sales post-Brexit
  • Providing an export customs, compliance, and procedures manual for a US healthcare multinational
  • Advising a food product start-up on export readiness, strategy, customs & compliance
  • Planning and implementing the global launch of a SaaS product
  • Advising a health supplement supplier on customs, compliance and operating model for exporting to Australia

Learn more about how Go Exporting can help open a world of opportunities for your business here.

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