Find international distributors with PartnerTrack & expand into new markets.

LeadsTrack delivers for INEA

A major aspect of international expansion is researching prospects and arranging introductions with prospective clients in your target territories. And that’s what Go Exporting has been doing for Slovenian-based automation, intelligence and energy specialists, INEA.

INEA delivers industrial automation, manufacturing intelligence, and industrial energy management solutions worldwide. It is one of the largest system integrators and industrial solution providers in Europe, specialising in display assembly and visual inspection.

And to help their expansion plans across Europe, they engaged Go Exporting to help find prospects of the right calibre to drive that growth.

Chief operating offer at INEA, Saša Muhič Pureber, said: “We are looking to expand our international reach and engaged with Go Exporting to support this project via their LeadsTrack service. From the beginning, they showed a high level of professionalism and commitment by taking the time to understand our advanced technology, its benefits for our customers, and the niche markets we work in.

“Go Exporting created an ideal customer profile for our products and then carried out extensive research to find companies matching that profile on a global scale. These companies were approached by the Go Exporting team using various methods with a view to arranging meetings for our team to introduce our technology.

“We have been extremely pleased with the results. Go Exporting’s activities have introduced INEA to a number of new potential customers and our team has been impressed with the quality of the leads provided.

“We highly recommend the services of Go Exporting for any company intending to expand into new international markets and looking for introductions to new customers.

“We found LeadsTrack from Go Exporting to be a cost-effective and efficient method of finding new customers in our target markets.”

Mike Wilson, CEO of Go Exporting, noted: “It is a pleasure working with INEA, introducing their advanced manufacturing and inspection systems to new markets. We have secured introductions and RFQs for significant projects from key OEMs and Tier One manufacturers for their technical teams to progress.

“We continue to work with INEA and thank them for selecting our LeadsTrack service to support their international expansion.”

International lead generation with LeadsTrack

Are you looking to find new customers in your target markets with the support of proven experts in international expansion? Then LeadsTrack will work for you, too.

We have developed LeadsTrack to provide businesses with a cost-effective solution to generate high-quality enquiries. Our team of researchers and local consultants are skilled in identifying the right contacts and turning them into genuine opportunities for your organisation.

Your international lead generation, taken care of.

Learn more about LeadsTrack here.

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Free Webinar: Effective Market Entry Strategies for New Exporters

Are you new to exporting and looking to get your products into new overseas markets? Then this webinar is for you.

Join Go Exporting CEO, Mike Wilson, as he partners with Alibaba USA’s Head of Sales & Digital Marketing, Eric Cross, for a live webinar uncovering effective market entry strategies for companies just like yours.

At 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm GMT on 27th June, this webinar will offer critical insight and strategies for firms looking to enter and – critically – thrive in new markets.

Don’t miss out! Register for free right here.

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AECCI and Go Exporting announce partnership 

Go Exporting is delighted to announce its partnership with the Asian Exporters Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AECCI). 

The partnership aims to offer proactive, cooperative, and mutually advantageous support and a joint effort to tackle trade challenges specific to Asian businesses. 

AECCI is a governmentally recognised institution which promotes, represents and safeguards the interests of the Asian business community. It provides support to industry and aims to promote private sector initiatives. 

The partnership with Go Exporting marks an important step towards enhancing support and services for chamber members across the region. 

AECCI noted that: “Our cooperation efforts will encompass various significant domains, including trade consultation, resolving trade disputes, sharing trade law-related information, and facilitating arbitration resolution between involved parties. 

“Additionally, we will execute joint initiatives such as webinars, workshops, trade fairs, delegation exchanges, and business meetings to promote the interests of our members in both countries.

“We are confident that this collaboration will notably bolster the support and services accessible to our members and clients, thereby reinforcing trade relations between India and the UK.”

Learn more about how Go Exporting opens a world of opportunities for business here.

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Go Exporting Wins ‘Export Consultant of the Year’ Award

We are proud to report that we recently won another prestigious business award, being voted ‘Export Consultant of the Year’ in the Corporate Live Wire Innovation & Excellence Global Awards.

Global Awards receive 31000 nominations across various categories and are awarded by voters in 36 countries. They celebrate the success and achievements of leading professionals and companies who stand out as leaders in their market sector, being service-focused and who take an innovative approach to demonstrate exceptional business performance. 

Mike Wilson, CEO of Go Exporting comments:

“It is a great pleasure to be recognised for the hard work the team put into successfully supporting our client’s international expansion plans. We are proud to have won a second award in as many years and will continue to strive to provide excellent service, whilst always looking to improve.”

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Go Exporting specialises in helping businesses to expand into international markets profitably. We offer a range of flexible services to meet your specific requirements many of which you can see on our website. This is not exhaustive, however, and we will be pleased to match your requirements to ensure your success in international markets.

We offer everything from export readiness assessments, customs and compliance, market analysis and reports, and mentoring, to devising and implementing a go-to-market strategy. For example, we have worked with many clients to build their global distribution and wholesale networks.

Just a small selection of the projects recently completed by Go Exporting:

  • Finding distributors for veterinary products in Italy and Germany
  • Finding distributor and collaboration partners in air quality monitoring in India
  • Establishing a UK and European Sales presence for an industrial fastener manufacturer
  • Advising a packaging company on the best operating model for EU sales post-Brexit
  • Providing an export customs, compliance, and procedures manual for a US healthcare multinational
  • Advising a food product start-up on export readiness, strategy, customs & compliance
  • Planning and implementing the global launch of a SaaS product
  • Advising a health supplement supplier on customs, compliance and operating model for exporting to Australia

Learn more about how Go Exporting can help open a world of opportunities for your business here.

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The surprising journey to global success

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to go from a local sensation to a global powerhouse, then I’ve got a story that will captivate your imagination and transform your perspective. Brace yourself for an extraordinary tale of triumph against all odds.

Once upon a time, in the glamorous world of fashion, there was a renowned brand called ABC Fashion. Known for their chic designs and trendsetting styles, they set their sights on conquering international markets. But little did they know that their journey would be filled with unexpected twists and valuable lessons.

ABC Fashion believed that partnering with a distributor would be the key to instant market access. However, their path to success turned out to be far more complex than they had anticipated. The vibrant patterns and bold colours that made ABC Fashion famous fell flat among the more subdued and classic preferences of foreign consumers.

But ABC Fashion was not one to back down. They quickly realized that conquering new markets required more than just relying on a distributor. They immersed themselves in the local culture, studying fashion trends, consumer behaviour, and the preferences of the target audience.

With their newfound insights, ABC Fashion made a daring decision. They adapted their designs to cater to the local market, striking a delicate balance between their brand identity and the cultural nuances of the foreign market. And to their surprise, the tweaked designs began to resonate with fashion enthusiasts.

But their challenges didn’t end there. ABC Fashion realised that relying solely on a distributor was not enough to establish a strong market presence. They took matters into their own hands, setting up a dedicated team to oversee the distribution process and working closely with retailers to create a unique shopping experience that showcased their brand.

Through their perseverance and willingness to adapt, ABC Fashion emerged as a global success story. They shattered the myth of instant market access and proved that strategic planning, cultural understanding, and taking ownership of the distribution process were the true keys to success.

I wanted to share this incredible journey with you because it holds valuable insights that can transform your approach to market expansion. In our fast-paced world, it’s essential to embrace a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond traditional notions of success.

Now, take a moment to reflect on ABC Fashion’s story. It’s a testament to the power of perseverance, adaptation, and thinking outside the box. In the following sections of this article, we’ll delve deeper into the counterintuitive insights and practical strategies that emerged from their journey.

There’s an important lesson that emerges—a lesson that challenges conventional wisdom and provides valuable guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs. It’s a lesson that reminds us that success in the global market goes beyond relying on a distributor alone. So, let’s dive deeper and uncover the counterintuitive insight that can transform the way we approach market expansion.

A distributor does not guarantee instant market access

While partnering with a distributor can provide certain advantages, such as local expertise and distribution networks, it’s essential to remember that true market success requires more than a simple alliance. The story of ABC Fashion taught us that understanding the local culture, adapting our strategies to match consumer preferences, and taking ownership of the distribution process are vital steps on the path to success.

By embracing a comprehensive approach, we gain the power to navigate the intricate landscape of global markets with confidence. It’s about forging genuine connections, engaging in market research, and creating experiences that resonate with our target audience. This insight shatters the myth of overnight success and invites us to embrace a strategic, long-term mindset that paves the way for sustainable growth.

So, harness the lessons learned from ABC Fashion’s journey and apply them to your own ventures. Use them to navigate the intricacies of international markets and build a solid foundation for success.

Now that we’ve explored the importance of strategic planning and understanding the dynamics of international markets, it’s time to equip ourselves with the right tools to navigate this intricate landscape. That’s where the PartnerTrack Service from Go Exporting comes in—an invaluable resource designed to help businesses like yours find the perfect route to market. So, let’s take a moment to discover how this service can revolutionise our approach to global expansion.

Introducing the PartnerTrack Service – finding the right route to market. With this service, we work closely with you to define your ideal partner or distributor, identifying the specific attributes they need to possess to effectively navigate your market sector. Our expert team conducts a thorough search, meticulously vetting potential candidates to present you with the best options, allowing you to make the final decision confidently.

Program Highlights:

1. Understand exactly the ideal profile for your partner or distributor.

2. Search the target market for companies that match your ideal profile.

3. Contact potential partners on your behalf to assess their interest and suitability.

4. Evaluate their fit to your profile and the required attributes for success.

5. Arrange meetings, facilitating your ability to make the final choice of your ideal partner or distributor.

By leveraging the PartnerTrack Service, you gain a competitive edge in the market, ensuring that you find a partner who aligns with your vision and has the necessary expertise to support your growth. With our comprehensive approach and meticulous evaluation process, we eliminate the guesswork, saving you time, effort, and potential pitfalls along the way.

Take the next step towards achieving global market success. Click here to learn more about the PartnerTrack Service and discover how it can transform your journey to finding the ideal partner or distributor for your business.

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FREE webinar: How to create a winning export strategy

Are you looking to take your business to the next level and capitalise on the opportunities that the global marketplace presents?

If you’re thinking about exporting for the first time, then you need this free Lunch and Learn webinar with Go Exporting CEO Mike Wilson taking place on 18th July at 12pm.

In the webinar, Mike will take you through the steps of developing your own export strategy as well as answering your specific questions.

You will learn;

  • What an exporting strategy is and how to create one for your business
  • Discover how to decide where to export and what markets to sell to
  • Overcome challenges that you may face as you start trading overseas

Book your free place by signing up here.

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Getting to know you: Go Exporting & Customs Manager

Earlier this month, Go Exporting CEO Mike Wilson and founder of Customs Manager, Arne Mielken, discussed Mike’s journey to starting Go Exporting and why independence matters in customs and global trade advice.

Watch in full below!

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Webinar: Trading with the EU in 2022

Last month we were delighted to join with the Liverpool Library to host a webinar on trading with the EU in 2022.

The webinar covers a number of key topics for businesses, including:

  • What changes did Brexit introduce?
  • What are the implications?
  • Post-Brexit UK-EU trade guide
  • What are the opportunities?

Watch the webinar in full below!

Learn more about adapting to the new trading relationship with the EU with our free Post-Brexit Planning Checklist here.

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Season’s greetings from Go Exporting

Season’s greetings everyone!

Thank you for following Go Exporting in 2021 and for all your support. We hope you have found our content useful for your export journey this year. Look out for more interesting articles, tips and export guides next year.

To all our clients, thank you for your valued custom this year. It has been a pleasure working with you, to help you to profitably expand into international markets and manage the Brexit transit.

We look forward to working with you all in 2022.


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SIITACE launch announcement

At last! A voice for independent international trade & customs experts! 

Launched this month is a new Society of Independent International Trade And Customs Experts – SIITACE.

This represents a new, fresh approach to looking after the interests and values of this vital independent sector.  Specifically offering real help to the International Trade Community through our founding members specialist knowledge and experience covering all aspects of overseas trade including promotion & market entry; business support; international sales and marketing; customs; tax & vat; warehousing; trade finance; and logistics.

“I am proud to be a founder member of SIITACE. The opportunity to work and share ideas with fellow independent trade advisors is sure to be a great bonus to us individually and as a sector. It provides the ability to speak as one voice to influence government policy on exports and provide expert support to UK businesses in their drive to expand internationally following the exit from the EU”

Who runs SITTACE?

SIITACE is a Community Interest Company established to encourage collaboration and best practice within the international trade and customs disciplines. Our directors and founding members have many years of real-life experience in global trade and customs. We seek to attract a membership from all aspects of overseas trade beginning with experts in business support, sales and marketing, customs, tax & VAT, and logistics but growing in the direction our membership decides. It’s your society so, for that reason as we grow, it will take the shape needed to fulfil the business needs of international traders, importers and exporters. 

Freedom to offer impartial support and advice 

As a non-public sector organisation, not tasked to achieve government targets, we have the freedom to offer impartial support and advice to our members and to the wider international trade community.

Become a member….

Our members have access to the knowledge and experience of fellow members from all areas of the international trade spectrum. We are here to help and support each other.

Benefits of membership include:

  • Support of like-minded professionals
  • Access to our knowledge bank of resources
  • Opportunity to contribute to debate and discussion on how we can work together to improve the provision of international trade advice within the private sector.

Register your interest here.

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