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Exporting News

Learn the latest exporting news and expert advice from our team of consultants. From advice on starting trading on the international stage to how to identify profitable markets, as well as the key exporting news you need to know about, we’ll be posting the content you need to read right here. 

Brexit deal scuppering SME growth plans

The Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA) between the UK and EU in the wake of Brexit is delivering more headaches than benefits for the majority of exporting SMEs.  That’s according to data collected in December last year by the British Chambers of Commerce from almost 1,200 surveyed businesses.  The survey found that almost eight in

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Economic headwinds hampering growth for SME exporters

New data has highlighted how a range of global economic factors are hampering growth efforts for small and medium-sized exporters.  Data from more than 2,300 UK SMEs as part of the British Chamber of Commerce’s quarterly Trade Confidence Outlook for Q4 found that just one in four had seen international sales growth at the backend

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WTO predictions for 2023

WTO predictions for 2023

The global economy has massively shifted since the COVID-19 pandemic. It has yet to recover, and it looks as though a full recovery won’t happen anytime soon, especially with the effects of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Many countries are experiencing financial crises because of this. The WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has stated that

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Lower Appetite for British Food and Drink in EU

Lower appetite for British food and drink in EU

Since officially leaving the EU, the UK has seen exports reduce by a quarter, with a total of £2.4 billion in lost sales. Certain countries have seen more of a dip than others. For example, Spain, Germany, and Italy’s imports from Britain are down by 50.6%, 44.5%, and 43.3%, respectively. Even Ireland has seen a

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Exporting to Ireland

Free Webinar: Exporting to Ireland

At the start of the year, Go Exporting CEO Mike Wilson joined Business Wales to host a webinar on exporting to Ireland. The webinar looked in detail at the opportunities for businesses in the Irish market, with information on the economy, key sectors and how to do business. Watch in full below: If your business

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Win a free ticket to the biggest start-up show of 2023!

The StartUp Show from Enterprise Nation is rolling into King’s College London this month as SME founders can engage with over 100 speakers, a range of advisors and 2,000 other community members.  Go Exporting CEO Mike Wilson will be offering advice and answering questions too, and to celebrate our involvement, we have two free tickets

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What small businesses need to know about trading overseas in 2023

WEBINAR: What small businesses need to know about trading overseas in 2023

On the 12th December, Go Exporting CEO Mike Wilson will be joining representatives from Deloitte, Santander and Capikooa to host a webinar with Enterprise Nation on trading overseas next year. This webinar is perfect for any UK business wanting to start selling internationally from next year, or firms who are already exporting but are struggling

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Exporting to The Netherlands

WEBINAR: Explore exporting to The Netherlands

Earlier this month we were delighted to join Business Wales for a webinar all about exporting to The Netherlands. The Netherlands is already a top-10 trading partner of the UK, with high demand for UK goods and services. The region also has great potential as a gateway into the EU, though the nation itself is

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Half of UK exporters not confident with new customs rules

More than half of exporting businesses within the UK say they’re unconfident with current customs documentation and procedures.  According to a poll of 330 exporters as part of an IOE&IT webinar event, just 49% said they did feel confident, whilst just 5% said they felt ‘very confident’ with their understanding of the new trading arrangement

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UK exporters don’t understand principles of trade digitalisation

The majority of exporters in the UK don’t understand the principles behind the government’s future plans to digitise international trade.  According to a poll during an IOE&IT webinar last month, just 13% of participants on the call understood key terms to do with the digitisation strategy, including ‘single trade window’ and ‘ecosystem of trust’, and

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Irish trade re-focuses on EU markets, away from GB

Data from Dublin Port has shown how trade volume into Great Britain has fallen since Brexit, whilst exports into the EU have grown.  From January to September last year, overall port throughput fell 3.3% compared to the year before, whilst imports saw a small 0.4% rise.  CEO of Dublin Port, Eamonn O’Reilly, noted that there

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UK-EU trade flows down a fifth against no-Brexit expectations

A new study has highlighted how UK exports have suffered a big hit in the wake of leaving the EU.  A report from the Economic and Social Research Institute showed a substantial reduction in the number of products traded, with activity between the UK into the EU down 16% against expected levels before Brexit.  Things

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Vote for us at the Enterprise Nation Awards 2022

We’re delighted to have been shortlisted for the Enterprise Nation Advisor Awards 2022 in the international trade category. Enterprise Nation is a fantastic network that helps small business owners to grow their brands through freely-given expert insights, and Go Exporting CEO Mike Wilson regularly gives webinars on exporting and international trade to the network. But

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Exporting to Spain

WEBINAR: Exporting to Spain

This month we were delighted to join Business Wales to share more advice on exporting around the world. This time, Go Exporting CEO Mike Wilson focused on the opportunity for UK exporters in Spain, with the latest information and advice on the Spanish market and the key benefits it presents for Welsh exporters. Watch the

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