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Israel dairy market grows following heightened demand


Exports of dairy products from Israel have enjoyed strong growth over the last five quarters thanks to increasing demand from Europe and North America.

An analysis released by the Israel Export Institute’s Economy Department highlighted that the nation’s export of dairy products grew by 2% in 2017 compared to the year before with exports worth $21m.

Growth has also continued into the first quarter of 2018 with further 10% growth with dairy exports bringing some $5.6m into the economy.

Whilst most Israeli export product is exported to Europe, the recent increases have been brought about through increased trade with North America.

Read more: Nigeria exports top $40bn

Last year, exports to North America grew by 51% with European exports increasing by 29%. Dairy exports also increased in Asia with 15% growth.

In monetary terms last year, the North American market offered the most value with $10.6m through export trade, followed by $6m European sales and $3m in exports to Asia.

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